IBM - Personal Communications

More About Rick Jasper

Personal Background

I'm a native Californian, born and raised. I was born in Sacramento in 1955 and moved to San Jose in 1968 where I still live. I come from a family of nine kids, one older sister and seven younger brothers.

I graduated from California State University at Chico in 1981 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science. I've been working at IBM ever since.

I've been married for seven years and have two kids, Melanie and Adam. Can you top this coincidence? My mother, my wife, and my daughter all share the same birthday, June 20th.

Raison d'etre

This would have been a picture of my two kids. Melanie and Adam (This is an old picture. I've got to get a current one.)

When not at work, I like to

Play bridge. Hey, even the ACBL is now online in spades (pun intended).

Some of my favorite bridge hands ...

Pretend I'm a master wood craftsman. In reality, I just dabble in my garage, but one day (probably in my retirement) I hope to have the time to have a full shop and play to my heart's content.
Study a mail-order locksmith course I'm taking from Foley-Belsaw. (Sorry, they're not on the web yet)

You can send me e-mail, or if you prefer snail-mail, my external mailing address is
-------  Work  ------------    ------  Home  -----
Rick Jasper                    Rick Jasper
K84B/801                       139 Farnham Court
IBM Almaden Research Center    San Jose, CA  95139
650 Harry Road                 USA
San Jose, CA  95120-6099


         Internal        External
Home    9-227-2856   (408) 227-2856   (I'm in the phone book.)
Work    8-457-2731   (408) 927-2731
Fax     8-457-4117   (408) 927-4117
This page was last updated: Tuesday, 11-May-1999 12:28:24 Pacific Daylight Time

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