Double Endplay
Santa Clara Regional Swiss Teams with Kathy, Todd & Bobbette Thorsen
Labor Day, Monday, September 3, 1990
First round, first hand (see this hand for another
"First Hand of the Day" bridge hand).
S(me) W N(Kathy) E
====== == ======== ==
1H 2D 4H P
4N P 5D P
6H P P P
Lead: 8 of Spades
8 QJ7x
x x
KT98xx QJ
Axxxx KQJxxx
This was the first hand of the day. Looking at what I had bought
myself, I didn't like my chances. I let the 8 come around to east's
jack and my Ace. It seems I have a spade loser, unless the queen
jack was doubleton, but on the lead, it seems east has QJ third or
fourth. Hmmm.
Keeping a straight, confident face, I proceeded to play a diamond to
the ace and ruff a diamond. Then a trump to dummy, pulling trump,
and ruff another diamond. Then I waste another trump to get to dummy
again, to ruff dummy's last diamond. Now I exited with my small club,
eliminating both minors, to this position.
- Q7x
- -
KT -
xxx KQ
At the table, West won her Ace of clubs and had to give me a ruff
and sluff, me throwing dummy's losing spade away as I ruffed, giving
me the slam. But if east won, she would have to either give me the
same ruff and sluff, or lead away from her queen of spades, giving me
a free finesse. Making 6, which won the match. A double endplay!