Rick Jasper (4444957) and Gary Porter (5509548) Bridge Agreements
C, D, H, S, N = Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades, No Trump
m = Minor om = The Other Minor
M = Major oM = The Other Major
PH = Passed Hand UPH = UnPassed Hand
x,y,z = Different Suits (Opponent’s bids in parenthesis)
P = Pass * = Double ** = Redouble
HCP = High Card Points, but “Dummy Points” is more accurate.
General Approach
1. It’s our hand.
2. The overcall is obstructive.
3. Lead directing.
No Trump Openings
1N = 15-17 HCP or a really good 14 HCP. Will rarely have a weak 5-card major.
2N = 20-21 HCP. Will rarely have a weak 5-card major.
3N = Gambling. Solid minor suit. No outside aces or kings in 1st and 2nd seat.
Could have anything in 3rd and 4th seats (more HCP, weaker suit, etc.).
1N-2C = Stayman, but doesn’t promise a 4-card major (since 1N-2N is a transfer to
diamonds, the normal 2N invites must go through Stayman)
2D-2H = Very weak hand with equal majors. Opener passes or bids 2 spades.
2D-2S = Invitational 4 Hearts and 5 Spades.
2D-2N = Invitational. Might not have a 4-card major.
2H-2S = Invitational with 4 spades & not 4 hearts.
2H-2N = Invitational with no 4-card major.
2S-2N = Invitational. Might not have 4 hearts.
1N-2D or 2H = Transfers. Responder’s new suit bids are natural and game forcing,
except for 1N-2D, 2H-2S, showing an invitational 5 (or rarely 4 really
strong) hearts and 4 spades and is passable.
1N-2S or 2N = Also Transfers (2S->3 Clubs and 2N->3 Diamonds). Opener can refuse the transfer by bidding the intermediate step with a hand not suitable to play 3N opposite a 6-card suit with 2 of the top 3 honors and one outside Ace or King (e.g. a small doubleton). New suit bids by responder after transferring are natural and game forcing.
1N-3C = At least 5-5 in the minors. Invitational.
1N-3D = At least 5-5 in the minors. Game Forcing.
1N-3H = At least 5-5 in the majors. Invitational.
1N-3S = At least 5-5 in the majors. Game Forcing.
2N-3C = Stayman
2N-3D or 3H = Transfer to Hearts or Spades.
2N-3S = Transfer to 3N (not a transfer to clubs like 1N-2N is).
2N-3S, 3N-4m = Single-suited minor and Minorwood.
2N-3S, 3N-4M = Singleton or void with both minors.
2N-3N = 5 Spades, 4 Hearts and Game Forcing.
2N-4C = Gerber. 4D = 0 or 4 Aces.
4H = 1 Ace.
4S = 2 Aces.
4N = 3 Aces.
Further bids sets the contract except for 5C, which asks for kings using the same schedule.
2N-4D = No Agreement.
2N-4M = Natural and To Play.
2N-(*) = Systems On as if Opponent had passed.
2N-(*)-** = Minor Suit Escape. Relay to 3C, which responder can pass or correct to 3D, which opener must pass.
3N = Gambling. Solid minor suit. No outside aces or kings in 1st and 2nd seat.
In 3rd and 4th seats, could have anything (more HCP, weaker suit, etc.).
3N-4C = Pass or Correct to 4D.
3N-4D = Pass or Correct to 5C.
3N-4M = To Play
4N = Regular (4 Ace) Blackwood. 5C=0 or 4 Aces
5D=1 Ace
5H=2 Aces
When Opponents Interfere Over Our 1NT Opener
1N-(*) = Systems On as if Opponent had passed.
1N-(*)-** = Minor Suit Escape. Relay to 2C, which responder can pass or correct to 2D, which opener must pass.
1N-(2C)- If 2C shows clubs, * = Stayman (they stole my bid) and all other Systems On as if Opponent had passed. If 2C shows both majors, 2M shows a stopper in that major and not the other, and 2N shows stoppers in both majors (not Lebensohl).
1N-(2x) showing two known suits, * shows “cards”.
1N-(2x)-Lebensohl applies if 2x is natural showing only suit x, or at least one known suit, in which case Lebensohl is describing the known suit and we ignore the unknown suit, e.g. 1N-(2C = Clubs and a major), Lebensohl is on for clubs and we ignore the unknown major.
Or 1N-(2H = Hearts and another suit), Lebensohl is on for hearts and we ignore the other, unknown suit.
1N-(2x)-2z = Natural and non-forcing.
-2N = Forces 3C, after which P = Clubs.
3y = Natural, non-forcing, and stopper neutral.
3x = Stayman with a stopper.
3z = Natural, invitational, and stopper neutral.
3N = Natural, showing a stopper.
-3y (non-Jump) = Natural, Forcing, and stopper neutral.
-3x = Stayman without a stopper.
-3z (Jump Shift) = Natural, Forcing, and stopper neutral.
-3N = Denies stopper.
1N-(2x) If not natural and single-suited, Lenbensohl does not apply until we know their suit. Minimum bids are natural and non-forcing. Jumps are forcing.
Strong 2C Opening
2C-2D = Waiting.
2C-2D, 2N = 23-24 HCP. Systems on as if we opened 2N.
2C-2D, 3M = This is trump, dammit! Start cuebidding.
3M-3N = Second Negative. 0 or 1 trump.
3M-4M = At least 2 trump, no aces or kings, but some values.
2C-2D, 3N = 25-26 HCP
2C-2N = 8-10 HCP, at least 3 suits with lead-value (e.g. face cards, not aces). Rare.
2C-2D, 2M or 3m, Cheapest Suit is Second Negative, no aces or kings, 0-1 queen, and no fit with shape.
2C-2M or 2C-3m = 5 card suit, 2 of top 3 honors, and 8+ HCP
2C-(any call)-* (or **?) =
Second Negative.
Major Suit Openings
1M-1N = Forcing by non-passed hand. Semi-Forcing by passed hand (e.g. Responder could have 11 HCP and couldn’t bid 2C which would be Drury) or is flat.
1M-1N, 2m = Could be a 3-card suit after Forcing NT.
1S-1N, 2H = 4-card suit.
1M-1N, 2x-2M = 2-card preference.
1M-1N, 2x-3M = 3-card limit raise. 9-11 HCP. Non-forcing.
1x-2y (non-jump) = 100% Game Forcing by non-passed hand.
1x-2y, 2z = Natural. Opener’s reverses shows additional.
1x-2y, 2x = Default minimum rebid. Does not promise extra length.
1x-2y, 2N = 13-14 HCP or 18+ HCP.
1x-2y, 3N = 15-17 HCP.
1x-2y, 3x = This (suit x) is trump, dammit!
1M-2M = 6-10 HCP, 3+ card raise (even 6 HCP and 3 trump).
1M-2M, 3M = Invitational. Shows poor trumps and 3N is possible.
1M-2M, new suit = Help suit game try, e.g. Honor third or fourth. Responder accepts with A or K (Qxxx is not good enough) or possibly, shortness with extra trump.
1M-2N = 4+ card forcing raise. Might contain shortness if 13+ HCP.
1M-2N, 3m or 3oM = singleton or void.
1M-2N, 3M = 18+ Dummy Points. No singleton or void.
1M-2N, 3N = 15-17 Dummy Points. No singleton or void.
1M-2N, 4x = Good 5+ card suit (source of tricks, not source of losers).
1M-2N, 4M = 12-14 Dummy Points. No singleton or void.
1M-Jump Shift by UPH = Strong (as contrasted to 1m-2M, which is weak), but
P-1M, Jump Shift = Fit-Showing. 4+ Trumps and 5+ in the new suit at least AQxxx.
1M-3M = 4+ card raise. 10-Bad 12 HCP. Usually no shortness (else Splinter).
1M-3N = 12-15 HCP with doubleton in partner’s major or perhaps rarely 4333. To play.
1H-3S or 1M-4m or 1S-4H = Splinter. 4+ card raise. 10-12 HCP. A hand you would NOT have opened. Never a singleton Ace or King.
1H-1S, 1N = XYZ by UPH (see below)
P-1M = Could be on a 4-card suit, but PH will always presume 5+ card suit.
P-1M, 2C = Reverse Drury. Opener rebids
P-1M, 2C-2D = Artificial probe for right level (game or slam).
Continuations: 2M = 3 trumps and no shortness
3M=4 trumps and no shortness
Non-jump new suit=3 trump splinter
Jump new suit=4 trump splinter
Splinters will never be a singleton Ace or King.
P-1S, 2C-2H = Weak with 4+ hearts. Can be passed.
P-1M, 2C-2M = Weak.
Minor Suit Openings
Open 1D holding 4-4 in minors.
1C-1D = Walsh. Tends to deny a 4-card major unless Game Forcing.
1C-1D, 1M = Shapely.
1C-1D, 1N = Balanced and could have 4 cards in one or both majors.
1C-1M = Walsh. Could have bypassed diamonds with less than a game forcing hand, but not always, e.g. if willing to suppress the major entirely (e.g. 1C-1D with xxxx, x, KQJxx, xxx).
1m-1N = 6-11 HCP with no 4-card major. E.G. Qxx, xx, Kxxx, Qxxx.
1D-2C = Game Forcing.
1m-2M = Weak. 0-6 HCP. (as contrasted to 1M-Jump Shift, which is strong)
Inverted Minors by UPH (by PH, 1m-2m = 5-9 HCP, 1m-3m = 10-12 HCP)
1m-2m = 10+ HCP, Forcing One Round and usually to game, but 2N and 3m are always passable. If either partner bids a new suit beyond 2N, it’s now a Game Forcing auction, e.g. 1D-2D, 2S-3C = Shows extras and is now a Game Force. E.G. 1C-2C with any of x, Kxx, Axxx, KJxxx or Ax, Axx, xxxx, Kxxx or KQx, AKx, xxx, AJxx.
1m-2m, 2x = Values in that suit
1m-2m, 3x (Jump) = Splinter
1m-2N = Good 11-14 HCP with no 4-card major. E.G. Qx, AJx, Qxxx, Qxxx.
1D-3C = Natural Invite, e.g. good 6+ card suit, about 11 HCP, and 2 or fewer diamonds.
1C-2D = Slammish with both minors and longer diamonds.
1m-3m = 5-9 HCP, 5+ card raise, with no 4-card major. E.G. 1C-3C with xxx, x, Qxxx, AJxxx
1m-3N = 15-17 HCP. No 4+ card major.
XYZ is used by UPH after 1x-1y, 1z or 1x-1y, 1N. (See pages 20-26)
1m-1M, 2M = Could be only 3-card support with a ruffing value.
1m-1M, 3M = Promises 4-card support.
1m-1M, 2N-2om = New Minor Forcing
Opener Reverses are Forcing one round. After Opener reverses, responder’s 2N or 2 of a new suit, whichever is cheapest, is an artificial 1-round force and could be weak and about to pass opener’s third bid, e.g. 1C-1S, 2D-2H, 2S or 2N or 3C are all passable. Opener should not bid past 3 clubs without a game forcing hand, even with a singleton club, e.g. 1D-1S, 2H-2N, 3C with Qx, AKQx, AKJxx, xx. If Responder bids after the artificial 1-round force, it’s to play (5-6 HCP), e.g. 1D-1S, 2H-2N, 3C-3x is non-forcing.
Our Weak 2 Openings
2x-2N = Ogust. 3C=Poor Hand (6-Bad 8 HCP), Poor Suit (e.g. QT9xxx).
3D=Poor Hand, Good Suit (e.g. KQTxxx).
3H=Good Hand, Poor Suit.
3S=Good Hand, Good Suit (e.g. AQJxxx and an outside K).
3N=Solid Suit (e.g. AKQxxx or AKJTxx and nothing outside)
2x-(*)-Stuart Responses: -2N = Ogust as above.
-** = Transfer to Cheapest Suit
-2y or 3y (non-jump) = Transfer to Next Higher Suit.
-3x = Natural with no Ace or King in Opener’s Suit.
(1x)-2y(Weak Jump)-(*): Stuart Responses are on (including 2N=Ogust?)
If Advancer acts after a transfer, opener is off the hook and can just pass with nothing descriptive to say. Otherwise opener could refuse the transfer with no fit and a good suit of his own, but normally simply bids the indicated suit.
Responder will have one of the following hand types and act accordingly.
If doubler acts over the transfer, Responder can
1. pass the transfer if being competitive,
2. bid 3x if the transferred-to suit was just lead directing,
3. raise the transferred-to suit if game forcing,
4. bid a new suit if game forcing if two-suited,
5. double or redouble as appropriate.
Competitive Auctions When We Open
1m-(P)-1M-(* or overcall)-* = Better than minimum opener. Looking to penalize. Forces our side to either 2M or their doubled contract.
1m-(*)-1M = Good suit, Qxxx or better.
We do not play Support Doubles or Redoubles.
1M-(* or 1x or 2x), Jump Shift = Fit Showing (like P-1M, Jump Shift was). 4+ Trumps and 5+ in the new suit at least AQxxx.
1x-(1y)-2y = Invitational Raise or Better.
1x-(1y)-1z-P, 2y = Invitational Raise or Better.
Over opponents take-out doubles:
New suits are one round forcing at the 1-level and only promise 4 card length.
1x-(*)-** = 10+ HCP and forcing to their doubled contract or to our 2N or higher. Subsequent Doubles are Penalty.
1x-(*)-2N = Limit raise with 4+ card major support or 4+ card minor support.
1x-(*)-2x = 5-9 HCP raise.
1x-(*)-3x = Preemptive raise.
1M-(*)-Jump Shift = Fit Showing. 4+ Trumps and 5+ in the new suit at least AQxxx.
1m-(*)-2M or 3om = All other jump suit bids are weak.
2C-(Anything)-* or ** = Very weak. No Help Towards our Game.
2C-(Anything)-P = Shows values, I.E. a King or 2 Queens or better.
2C-(Anything)-2x = Natural and game forcing, but the suit quality requirements are relaxed, e.g. Qxxxx and enough HCP is good enough.
2C-(P)-2D-(Anything), P = 22-24 HCP Balanced Hand. Systems On. Double suggests defending.
Unusual versus Unusual - On only when both of their two suits are known. If we bid their lower ranking suit, we show a limit raise or better in the other lower ranking suit, e.g. 1C-(2C)-2H shows an invitational club raise, or 1M-(2N)-3C shows an invitational heart raise. If we bid their higher ranking suit, we show a limit raise or better in the other higher ranking suit, e.g. 1C-(2C)-2S shows diamonds, or 1M-(2N)-3D shows spades. Any other bids are natural, to play, and weak.
If only one of their suits is known, e.g. 1S-(2S), we bid as if they had bid the known suit, so 1S-(2S)-3H = Limit Raise or better and -3m = Natural and forcing, even though 3m could be their second suit.
Competitive Auctions When They Open
(1x)-1y-(P)- Advancer’s Jump Shift is a one round force, likely with tolerance.
Advancer’s Cue Bid is a one round force with support.
(1x)-P-(1y)-1N= Sandwich No Trump = Takeout (5-4) with 9-12 HCP. Offense oriented.
(1x)-P-(1y)-* = Also Takeout, but opening hand or better with more defense.
Responsive Doubles through 4H. On only after they open, we overcall or double, and they raise.
Over Opponents Strong 1C or 2C, Double = Majors. 1N = Minors
Over Opponents Transfer Responses: Double shows bid suit. Next suit is takeout.
(1x)-1y-(1z or 2z)-* = Snapdragon, showing the fourth suit, 5+ cards or 4 very good ones, plus doubleton in overcaller’s suit.
(1x)-1N = 15-18 HCP. Advancer bids as if we opened 1N (see above).
(1x)-P-(P)-1N = 11-14 HCP. Systems On.
(1x)-P-(P)-2y (Jump) = 16+ HCP and a good 6-card or longer suit.
(1x)-P-(P)-2N = 19-21 HCP by UPH and Systems On. If PH, two lower unbid suits.
(1N)-2C = Majors, at least 5-4. If opponents NT is weak, 2C is not weak.
(1N)-2C-(P)-2D = Equal Major suit length.
(1N)-2D = Single suited hand. Usually a major. If opponents NT is weak, (1N)-3x is invitational, (1N)-2D shows full opening strength, and if responder bids 3 of his suit later, it's an even bigger hand. If opponent’s NT is strong, (1N)-2D = stronger than (1N)-3x.
(1N)-2H = Hearts + an undisclosed minor. 2N asks for the minor. 3x is natural.
(1N)-2S = Spades + an undisclosed minor. 2N asks for the minor. 3x is natural.
(1N)-3x = Natural and less than opening strength.
If opponent’s 1N is weak (<= 13 HCP), double by UPH is penalty oriented showing 17+ HCP. Advancer bids as if we opened 1N. (see above).
Double over opponent’s strong (> 13 HCP) NT or by a PH, shows exactly a 4-card major and a longer minor.
(Strong 1N)-*-(Pass)- 2C = Asks for Doubler's Minor
2D = Asks for Doubler's Major
(2x)-2N-P = All systems on, just as if we had opened 2N.
Defensive Carding
Upside Down Count and Attitude Signals.
Frequent Attitude and Suit Preference Signals.
If a trick 2 switch is obvious (e.g. dummy has a singleton in a suit contract), trick 1 card is suit preference. If known to hold 3 cards, a middle card says continue the trick 1 suit.
Against NT:
Reverse Smith Echo defending No Trump at first (or even second) opportunity by both hands. Low encourages opener’s suit. High discourages.
Against Suit Contracts:
If the Ace of our suit is led from Ace-King and dummy has Qxx, third hand gives Upside Down Count. If opener cashes the King next, third hand gives suit preference.
The lead of the Queen when the leader is known to hold a long and strong suit, asks for upside down count.
When second hand and splitting honors, play the card you
would have played on opening lead, e.g. the Jack from JT9x or the ten from
Ace-Asking Bids
Gerber only when extremely obvious. If in doubt, it’s not Gerber.
5N in most sequences is “Pick a slam”
4N = Roman Key Card Blackwood 1430 for Agreed or Implied or Last Bid Major suit. If a suit could have been raised in a forcing manner, but wasn't, 4N is regular (4 Ace) Blackwood, e.g. 1S-4N is regular Blackwood since responder could have bid 2N, but 1S-(4D)-4N = RKCB since there was no forcing raise available. Also, (2S)-*-4N is regular Blackwood since trump is unknown.
4N-5C = 1 or 4 Key Cards.
4N-5D = 0 or 3 Key Cards.
4N-5H = 2 or 5 Key Cards without the trump queen.
4N-5S = 2 or 5 Key Cards with the trump queen (even with hearts as trump).
· Over 5m, Asker can bid the next, non-trump suit if it's below 5 of our suit (promising 4 or 5 Key Cards) to ask about the Trump Queen (see details below).
· Asker can bid 5N (promising all 5 Key Cards) to ask Responder to bid Kings up the line. After 4N-5x, 5N-6y, 6z = Asks Responder to bid 7 if holding the suit z King.
· After 4N-5x, 6y = Asks Responder to bid 7 if holding the suit y Queen.
DOPI: Double is First Step = 1 or 4 Key Cards
Pass is Second Step = 0 or 3 Key Cards
Cheapest Suit = 2 Key Cards without trump queen
Next Suit = 2 Key Cards with trump queen
ROPI: Redouble is First Step = 1 or 4 Key Cards
Pass is Second Step = 0 or 3 Key Cards
4 of Agreed or Implied Minor = Minorwood, similar to our Roman Key Card Blackwood for majors, but only if the minor has been raised in a forcing manner.
If 4m could be natural and invitational, that meaning takes precedence and it is natural, however if responder chooses to accept, he can answer with Minorwood.
If Spades are Trump
4N-5C = 1 or 4 Key Cards.
4N-5C, 5D = Trump Queen (or extra trump length) Ask, guaranteeing we own 4 or 5
Key Cards.
5D-5H = Shows Trump Queen & Heart King.
5D-5S = Denies Trump Queen.
5D-6C = Shows Trump Queen & Club King. Denies the Heart King.
5D-6D = Shows Trump Queen & Diamond King. Denies Heart & Club Kings.
5D-6H = No agreement.
5D-6S = Shows Trump Queen. Denies a non-trump King.
4N-5C, 5H = No Agreement.
4N-5C, 5S = To Play. We are missing (or may be missing) 2 or more Key Cards.
5S-6C = Shows 4 Key Cards (not 1) & Club King.
5S-6D = Shows 4 Key Cards (not 1) & Diamond King. Denies Club King.
5S-6H = Shows 4 Key Cards (not 1) & Heart King. Denies Club & Diamond
5S-6S = Shows 4 Key Cards (not 1). Denies a non-trump King.
4N-5D = 0 or 3 Key Cards.
4N-5D, 5H = Trump Queen (or extra trump length) Ask, guaranteeing we own 4 or 5
Key Cards.
5H-5S = Denies Trump Queen.
5H-6C = Shows Trump Queen & Club King
5H-6D = Shows Trump Queen & Diamond King. Denies Club King.
5H-6H = Shows Trump Queen & Heart King. Denies Club & Diamond Kings.
5H-6S = Shows Trump Queen. Denies a non-trump King.
4N-5D, 5S = To Play. We are missing (or may be missing) 2 or more Key Cards.
5S-6C = Shows 3 Key Cards (not 0) & Club King.
5S-6D = Shows 3 Key Cards (not 0) & Diamond King. Denies Club King.
5S-6H = Shows 3 Key Cards (not 0) & Heart King. Denies Club & Diamond
5S-6S = Shows 3 Key Cards (not 0). Denies a non-trump King.
If Hearts are Trump
4N-5C = 1 or 4 Key Cards.
4N-5C, 5D = Trump Queen (or extra trump length) Ask, guaranteeing we own 4 or 5
Key Cards.
5D-5H = Denies Trump Queen.
5D-5S = Shows Trump Queen & Spade King.
5D-6C = Shows Trump Queen & Club King. Denies Spade King.
5D-6D = Shows Trump Queen & Diamond King. Denies Spade & Club Kings.
5D-6H = Shows Trump Queen. Denies a non-trump King.
4N-5C, 5H = To Play. We are missing (or may be missing) 2 or more Key Cards.
5H-5S = Shows 4 Key Cards (not 1) & Spade King.
5H-6C = Shows 4 Key Cards (not 1) & Club King. Denies Spade King.
5H-6D = Shows 4 Key Cards (not 1) & Diamond King. Denies Spade & Club
5H-6H = Shows 4 Key Cards (not 1). Denies a non-trump King.
4N-5C, 5S = Please bid 5N to play.
4N-5D = 0 or 3 Key Cards.
4N-5D, 5H = To Play. We are missing (or may be missing) 2 or more Key Cards.
5H-5S = Shows 3 Key Cards (not 0) & Spade King.
5H-5N = Pick a slam.
5H-6C = Shows 3 Key Cards (not 0) and Club King. Denies Spade King.
5H-6D = Shows 3 Key Cards (not 0) and Diamond King. Denies Spade & Club
5H-6H = Shows 3 Key Cards (not 0). Denies a non-trump King.
4N-5D, 5S = Trump Queen (or extra trump length) Ask, guaranteeing we own 4 or 5
Key Cards.
5S-5N = Denies Trump Queen.
5S-6C = Shows Trump Queen & Club King.
5S-6D = Shows Trump Queen & Diamond King. Denies Club King.
5S-6H = Shows Trump Queen. Denies Club & Diamond Kings.
(There’s no way to show the Trump Queen & Spade King.)
If Diamonds are Trump
4D = Minorwood
4D-4H = 1 or 4 Key Cards
4D-4H, 4S = Trump Queen (or extra trump length) Ask, guaranteeing we own 4 or 5
Key Cards.
4S-4N = No agreement.
4S-5C = Shows Trump Queen & Club King.
4S-5D = Denies Trump Queen.
4S-5H = Shows Trump Queen & Heart King. Denies Club King.
4S-5S = Shows Trump Queen & Spade King. Denies Club & Heart Kings.
4S-6C = No agreement.
4S-6D = Shows Trump Queen. Denies a non-trump King.
4D-4H, 4N = To Play. We are missing (or may be missing) 2 or more Key Cards.
4N-5C = Shows 4 Key Cards (not 1) and Club King.
4N-5D = To Play, preferring 5D to 4N.
4N-5H = Shows 4 Key Cards (not 1) & Heart King. Denies Club King.
4N-5S = Shows 4 Key Cards (not 1) & Spade King. Denies Club & Heart Kings.
4N-6C = No agreement.
4N-6D = Shows 4 Key Cards (not 1). Denies a non-trump King.
4D-4H, 5C = No Agreement.
4D-4H, 5D = To Play. We are missing (or may be missing) 2 or more Key Cards.
5D-5H = Shows 4 Key Cards (not 1) & Heart King.
5D-5S = Shows 4 Key Cards (not 1) & Spade King. Denies Heart King.
5D-6C = Shows 4 Key Cards (not 1) & Club King. Denies Heart & Spade Kings.
5D-6D = Shows 4 Key Cards (not 1). Denies a non-trump King.
4D-4H, 5H = King Ask. Promises all 5 Key Cards and asks Responder to bid Kings
up the line.
5H-5S = Shows Spade King.
5H-5S, 5N = Asks Responder to bid 7 if holding the Heart King.
5H-5S, 6C = Asks Responder to bid 7 if holding the Club King.
5H-5N = Shows Heart King. Denies Spade King.
5H-5N, 6C = Asks Responder to bid 7 if holding the Club King.
5H-6C = Shows Club King. Denies Spade & Heart Kings.
5H-6D = Denies Spade, Heart, & Club Kings.
4D-4H, 5S = Bid 7 with the Spade Queen.
4D-4H, 5N = Pick a slam.
4D-4H, 6C = Bid 7 with the Club Queen.
If Diamonds are Trump (still)
4D-4S = 0 or 3 Key Cards
4D-4S, 4N = To Play
4N-5C = Shows 3 Key Cards (not 0) & Club King.
4N-5D = To Play. Prefers 5D to 4N.
4N-5H = Shows 3 Key Cards (not 0) & Heart King. Denies Club King.
4N-5S = Shows 3 Key Cards (not 0) & Spade King. Denies Club & Heart Kings.
4N-6C = No agreement.
4N-6D = Shows 3 Key Cards (not 0). Denies a non-trump King.
4D-4S, 5C = Trump Queen Ask and promises we hold 4 or 5 Key Cards.
5C-5D = Denies Trump Queen.
5C-5H = Shows Trump Queen & Heart King.
5C-5S = Shows Trump Queen & Spade King. Denies Heart King.
5C-6C = Shows Trump Queen & Club King. Denies Heart & Spade Kings.
5C-6D = Shows Trump Queen. Denies a non-trump King.
4D-4S, 5D = To Play. We are missing (or may be missing) 2 or more Key Cards.
5D-5H = Shows 3 Key Cards (not 0) & Heart King.
5D-5S = Shows 3 Key Cards (not 0) &Spade King. Denies Heart King.
5D-6C = Shows 3 Key Cards (not 0) & Club King. Denies Heart & Spade Kings.
5D-6D = Shows 3 Key Cards (not 0). Denies a non-trump King.
4D-4S, 5H = King Ask. Promises all 5 Key Cards and asks Responder to bid Kings
up the line.
5H-5S = Shows Spade King.
5H-5S, 5N = Asks Responder to bid 7 if holding the Heart King.
5H-5S, 6C = Asks Responder to bid 7 if holding the Club King.
5H-5N = Shows Heart King. Denies Spade King.
5H-5N, 6C = Asks Responder to bid 7 if holding the Club King.
5H-6C = Shows Club King. Denies Spade & Heart Kings.
4D-4S, 5S = Bid 7 with the Spade Queen.
4D-4S, 5N = Pick a slam
4D-4S, 6C = Bid 7 with the Club Queen.
If Diamonds are Trump (still)
4D-4N = 2 or 5 Key Cards without Trump Queen. This bid is passable (!!), so the
Responder should not bid 4N with extra playing strength.
4D-4N, 5C = No agreement.
4D-4N, 5D = To Play. We are missing 2 or more Key Cards.
4D-4N, 5H = King Ask. Promises all 5 Key Cards and asks Responder to bid Kings
up the line.
5H-5S = Shows Spade King.
5H-5S, 6C = Asks Responder to bid 7 if holding the Club King.
5H-5N = Shows Heart King. Denies Spade King.
5H-6C = Shows Club King. Denies Spade & Club Kings.
4D-4N, 5S = Bid 7 with the Spade Queen.
4D-4N, 5N = Pick a slam
4D-4N, 6C = Bid 7 with the Club Queen.
4D-5C = 2 or 5 Key Cards with Trump Queen.
4D-5C, 5D = To Play. We are missing 2 or more Key Cards.
4D-5C, 5H = King Ask. Promises all 5 Key Cards and asks Responder to bid Kings
up the line.
5H-5S = Shows Spade King.
5H-5S, 6C = Asks Responder to bid 7 if holding the Club King.
5H-5N = Shows Heart King. Denies Spade King.
5H-6C = Shows Club King. Denies Spade & Club Kings.
4D-5C, 5S = Bid 7 with the Spade Queen.
4D-5C, 5N = Pick a slam
4D-5C, 6C = Bid 7 with the Club Queen.
If Clubs are Trump
4C = Minorwood
4C-4D = 1 or 4 Key Cards
4C-4D, 4H = Trump Queen (or extra trump length) Ask, guaranteeing we own 4 or 5
Key Cards.
4H-4S = Shows Trump Queen & Spade King.
4H-4N = No agreement.
4H-5C = Denies Trump Queen.
4H-5D = Shows Trump Queen & Diamond King. Denies Spade King.
4H-5H = Shows Trump Queen & Heart King. Denies Spade & Diamond Kings.
4H-5S or 5N = No agreement.
4H-6C = Shows Trump Queen. Denies a non-trump King.
4C-4D, 4S = No agreement.
4C-4D, 4N = To Play. We are missing (or may be missing) 2 or more Key Cards.
4N-5C = To Play, preferring 5C to 4N.
4N-5D = Shows 4 Key Cards (not 1) and Diamond King.
4N-5H = Shows 4 Key Cards (not 1) & Heart King. Denies Diamond King.
4N-5S = Shows 4 Key Cards (not 1) & Spade King. Denies Diamond & Heart
4N-5N = No agreement.
4N-6C = Shows 4 Key Cards (not 1). Denies a non-trump King.
4C-4D, 5C = To Play. We are missing (or may be missing) 2 or more Key Cards.
5C-5D = Shows 4 Key Cards (not 1) and Diamond King.
5C-5H = Shows 4 Key Cards (not 1) & Heart King. Denies Diamond King.
5C-5S = Shows 4 Key Cards (not 1) & Spade King. Denies Diamond & Heart
5C-5N = No agreement.
5C-6C = Shows 4 Key Cards (not 1). Denies a non-trump King.
4C-4D, 5D = King Ask. Promises all 5 Key Cards and asks Responder to bid Kings
up the line.
5D-5H = Shows Heart King.
5D-5H, 5S = Asks Responder to bid 7 if holding the Spade King.
5D-5S = Shows Spade King. Denies Heart King.
5D-5N = No agreement.
5D-6C = Denies Spade & Heart Kings.
4C-4D, 5H = Bid 7 with the Heart Queen.
4C-4D, 5N = Pick a slam
4C-4D, 5S = Bid 7 with the Spade Queen.
If Clubs are Trump (still)
4C-4H = 0 or 3 Key Cards
4C-4H, 4S = Trump Queen Ask and promises we hold 4 or 5 Key Cards.
4S-4N = No agreement.
4S-5C = Denies Trump Queen.
4S-5D = Shows Trump Queen & Diamond King.
4S-5H = Shows Trump Queen & Heart King. Denies Diamond King.
4S-5S = Shows Trump Queen & Spade King. Denies Diamond & Heart Kings.
4S-5N = No agreement.
4S-6C = Shows Trump Queen. Denies a non-trump King.
4C-4H, 4N = To Play. We are missing (or may be missing) 2 or more Key Cards.
4N-5C = To Play. Prefers 5C to 4N.
4N-5D = Shows 3 Key Cards (not 0) & Diamond King.
4N-5H = Shows 3 Key Cards (not 0) & Heart King. Denies Diamond King.
4N-5S = Shows 3 Key Cards (not 0) & Spade King. Denies Diamond & Heart
4N-5N = No agreement.
4N-6C = Shows 3 Key Cards (not 0). Denies a non-trump King.
4C-4H, 5C = To Play. We are missing (or may be missing) 2 or more Key Cards.
5C-5D = Shows 3 Key Cards (not 0) & Diamond King.
5C-5H = Shows 3 Key Cards (not 0) & Heart King. Denies Diamond King.
5C-5S = Shows 3 Key Cards (not 0) & Spade King. Denies Diamond & Heart
5C-5N = No agreement.
5C-6C = Shows 3 Key Cards (not 0). Denies a non-trump King.
4C-4H, 5D = King Ask. Promises all 5 Key Cards and asks Responder to bid Kings
up the line.
5D-5H = Shows Heart King.
5D-5H, 5S = Asks Responder to bid 7 if holding the Spade King.
5D-5S = Shows Spade King. Denies Heart King.
5D-5N = Shows Diamond King. Denies Heart & Spade Kings.
5D-6C = Denies Heart & Spade Kings.
4C-4H, 5H = Bid 7 with the Heart Queen.
4C-4H, 5S = Bid 7 with the Spade Queen.
4C-4H, 5N = Pick a slam
If Clubs are Trump (still)
4C-4S = 2 or 5 Key Cards without Trump Queen.
4C-4S, 4N = To Play. We are missing 2 or more Key Cards.
4N-5C = To Play. Prefers 5C to 4N.
4C-4S, 5C = To Play. We are missing 2 or more Key Cards.
4C-4S, 5D = King Ask. Promises all 5 Key Cards and asks Responder to bid Kings
up the line.
5D-5H = Shows Heart King.
5D-5H, 5S = Asks Responder to bid 7 if holding the Spade King.
5D-5S = Shows Spade King. Denies Heart King.
5D-5N = Shows Diamond King. Denies Heart & Spade Kings.
5D-6C = Denies Heart & Spade Kings.
4C-4S, 5H = Bid 7 with the Heart Queen.
4C-4H, 5S = Bid 7 with the Spade Queen.
4C-4S, 5N = Pick a slam
4C-4N = 2 or 5 Key Cards with Trump Queen. This bid is passable (!!), so the
Responder should not bid 4N with extra playing strength.
4C-4N, 5C = To Play. We are missing 2 or more Key Cards.
4C-4N, 5D = King Ask. Promises all 5 Key Cards and asks Responder to bid Kings
up the line.
5D-5H = Shows Heart King.
5D-5H, 5S = Asks Responder to bid 7 if holding the Spade King.
5D-5S = Shows Spade King. Denies Heart King.
5D-5N = Shows Diamond King. Denies Heart & Spade Kings.
5D-6C = Denies Heart & Spade Kings.
4C-4N, 5H = Bid 7 with the Heart Queen.
4C-4N, 5S = Bid 7 with the Spade Queen.
4C-4N, 5N = Pick a slam.
On only if responder is an UPH and if opponents pass.
There are differences depending on what the X, Y and Z are and as opener, you have to be willing to bypass a 4-card Spade suit on your second turn with a balanced hand. There are a few artificial bids, and a few places where you have a slightly convoluted auction to get to the right place.
1C-1x, 1M = Likely unbalanced and limited to 18 HCP. Opener will jump with more.
1C-1D, 1H-1S = Denies 4-card spade suit (else Responder would have bid 1S last round) and denies a spade stopper. This is the first of 3 quirky bids.
1C-1D, 1H-1N = Natural with a spade stopper, but not a 4-card spade suit.
1C-1D, 1H-2S = Natural and Game Forcing.
After 1x-1y, 1z (including 1N):
· Pass. Could be missing 4-4 spade fit or 5-3 heart fit. (Too bad)
· 2C always forces 2D, which can be passed, or responder can now show an invitational hand by bidding. The exact shape of the invite depends on the earlier bids. This means we can never play 2 Clubs (have to bid -2N, 3C).
· 2D is always game forcing, but likely not slammish. Opener's priorities are, in order of preference:
1. 4-card other major (1m-1H, 1N-2D, 2S with 43xx), hearts first with both (1C-1D, 1N-2D, 2H).
2. 3-card support for Responder's major.
3. 6+ of own major, e.g. 1H-1S, 1N-2D, 2H.
4. NT with stoppers (could be as weak as 9xxx).
5. The most descriptive bid.
· 2H is non-forcing and not forward going (e.g. 1m-1S, 1N-2H), unless
o 1C-1D, 1S-2H or 1C-1D, 1N-2H = Responder’s Reverse = Natural and Slammish with 4 hearts and longer diamonds.
· 2S depends on the earlier bids:
o 1C-1D, 1H-2S or 1C-1D, 1N-2S = Responder’s Reverse = Natural and Slammish with 4 spades and longer diamonds.
o 1m-1H, 1N-2S is invitational with exactly 4-4 in the majors (this is the second of the 3 quirky bids).
o 1x-1S, 1N-2S is non-forcing and not forward going.
· 2N forces 3C, which will almost certainly be passed. To invite in NT, responder must go through 2C (this is the third quirky bid).
· All 3-level suit bids are natural, game forcing, and Slammish.
The weak Responder sequences may get us to 1N, missing a 4-4 spade or 5-3 heart fit, but we are willing to pay that price.
The invitational Responder sequences
allows us to find all 4-4 or 5-3 fits, or to land in 2N if there is no fit. (1m-1H, 1N-2C, 2D-2S, 3H may result in the 5-3 hearts at the 3-level, but that’s OK since Responder is invitational)
The main points to remember are:
1. Walsh style. Responder bypasses longer Diamonds to bid a 4-card major with less than game forcing values.
2. Opener bypasses majors to make a NT rebid with balanced hands.
3. Having methods for game forcing, invitational and weaker hands in all suits and NT.
4. Distinguishing between responder's 4-4, 5-4 and 4-5 hands in the majors to find the best fit. However, it does not distinguish between 5-4 and 5-5 hands. Responder's judgment must suffice to show the extra shape when the hand's strength warrants it.
Here's the same information in bidding sequence format. There are ten XYZ sequences.
1C-1D, 1H
1C-1D, 1H = Shows an unbalanced hand, usually a singleton, but perhaps 3=4=2=4 with points in the 4-card suits. Limited to 18 HCP (Opener would jump to 2H with 19-21).
1C-1D, 1H-1S = Artificial, denying 4-card spade suit (Responder would have bid Spades
earlier) and denies a spade stopper (else Responder would bid 1N).
1C-1D, 1H-1N = Natural and non-forcing, showing spades stopped, at least 9xxx
(possible with strong diamonds), but usually shorter and better spades.
1C-1D, 1H-2C = Forces 2D.
,2D-P = To play, obviously.
,2D-2H = Natural invite. Will likely have only 3 trump with a ruffing
value (Responder would have bid hearts earlier with 4).
,2D-2S = Seeking a Spade stopper, inviting NT. Not an offer to play in
Spades (Responder would have bid Spades earlier).
,2D-2N = Natural invite, promising a Spade stopper, at least 9xxx
(possible with strong diamonds), but usually shorter and
better spades.
,2D-3C = Invite in Clubs. Usually exactly a 4-card club suit (otherwise
Responder would have raised clubs earlier).
,2D-3D = Invite in Diamonds or NT. Shows decent 6+ card diamond suit.
1C-1D, 1H-2D = Artificial Game Force, but likely not slammish. Opener’s rebid priority
is to show 4-card spade suit first, NT with stoppers, or the most natural
bid possible.
1C-1D, 1H-2H = Non-forcing, suggesting Hearts is the best strain, but usually only
holding 3 hearts (Responder would have bid 1H with 4).
1C-1D, 1H-2S = Responder’s Reverse. Natural and Slammish with longer Diamonds.
1C-1D, 1H-2N = Forces 3C which will probably be passed.
1C-1D, 1H-3x = Natural, game forcing and slammish.
1C-1D, 1S
1C-1D, 1S = Shows an unbalanced hand, usually a singleton, but perhaps 4=3=2=4 with points in the 4-card suits. Limited to 18 HCP (Opener would jump to 2S with 19-21).
1C-1D, 1S-1N = Natural and non-forcing.
1C-1D, 1S-2C = Forces 2D.
,2D-P = To play, obviously.
,2D-2H = Seeking a Heart stopper, inviting NT. Not an offer to play in
Hearts (Responder would have bid Hearts earlier).
,2D-2S = Natural invite. Will likely have only 3 trump with a ruffing
value (Responder would have bid spades earlier with 4).
,2D-2N = Natural invite, promising a Heart stopper, at least 9xxx
(possible with strong diamonds), but usually shorter and
better hearts.
,2D-3C = Invite in Clubs. Usually exactly a 4-card club suit (otherwise
Responder would have raised clubs earlier).
,2D-3D = Invite in Diamonds or NT. Shows decent 6+ card diamond suit.
1C-1D, 1S-2D = Artificial Game Force, but likely not slammish. Opener rebids as
naturally as possible.
,2H = Heart Fragment with short diamonds.
,2S = Suggests Concern About a Heart Stopper.
1C-1D, 1S-2H = Responder’s Reverse. Natural and Slammish with longer
1C-1D, 1S-2S = Non-forcing, suggesting Spades is the best strain, but usually only
holding 3 spades (Responder would have bid 1S with 4).
1C-1D, 1S-2N = Forces 3C which will probably be passed.
1C-1D, 1S-3x = Natural and Slammish.
1C-1D, 1N
1C-1D, 1N = Balanced. May have 4 hearts, 4 spades, or both.
1C-1D, 1N-2C = Forces 2D.
,2D-P = To play, obviously.
,2D-2M = Shows values in bid major, but not the other.
(Responder has already denied a 4-card major).
,2D-2N = Natural invite.
,2D-3C = Invite in Clubs. Usually exactly a 4-card club suit (otherwise
Responder would have raised clubs earlier).
,2D-3D = Invite in Diamonds or NT. Shows decent 6+ card diamond suit.
1C-1D, 1N-2D = Artificial Game Force, but likely not slammish. Opener rebids as
naturally as possible.
,2H = 4-card suit. May still have 4 spades.
,2S = 4-card suit. Denies 4 Hearts.
,2N = Denies a 4-card major.
1C-1D, 1N-2M = Responder’s Reverse. Natural and Slammish with longer Diamonds.
1C-1D, 1N-2N = Forces 3C which will probably be passed.
1C-1D, 1N-3x = Natural, game forcing and slammish.
1C-1H, 1S
1C-1H, 1S = Shows an unbalanced hand, usually a singleton, but perhaps 4=2=3=4 with points in the 4-card suits. Limited to 18 HCP (Opener would jump to 2S with 19-21).
1C-1H, 1S-1N = Natural and non-forcing.
1C-1H, 1S-2C = Forces 2D.
,2D-P = To play, obviously.
,2D-2H = Invitational with 5+ Hearts.
,2D-2S = Invitational with 4 spades or possibly 3 spades & ruffing value.
,2D-2N = Natural invite.
,2D-3C = Invite in Clubs. Usually longer than a 4-card club suit.
,2D-3D = Invite in Diamonds. Probably longer diamonds, but not always.
1C-1H, 1S-2D = Artificial Game Force, but likely not slammish. Opener rebids as
naturally as possible.
1C-1H, 1S-2H = Non-forcing.
1C-1H, 1S-2S = Non-forcing. Usually 4 spades, but possibly 3 spades & ruffing value.
1C-1H, 1S-2N = Forces 3C which will probably be passed.
1C-1H, 1S-3x = Natural, game forcing and slammish.
1C-1H, 1N
1C-1H, 1N = Balanced. Won’t have 4 hearts, but may have 4 spades.
1C-1H, 1N-P = Possibly missing a 4-4 spade fit or a 5-3 heart fit.
1C-1H, 1N-2C = Forces 2D.
,2D-P = To play, obviously.
,2D-2H = Invitational with 5+ Hearts.
,2D-2S = Invitational with 5 Hearts and 4 Spades.
,2D-2N = Natural invite.
,2D-3C = Invite in Clubs. Usually longer than a 4-card club suit.
,2D-3D = Invite in Diamonds. Probably longer diamonds, but not always.
1C-1H, 1N-2D = Artificial Game Force, but likely not slammish. Opener rebids as
naturally as possible.
,2H = 3-card support without 4 spades.
,2S = 4-card suit. Could still have 3 hearts.
,2N = Denies 3 hearts and denies 4 spades.
1C-1H, 1N-2H = Non-forcing. 5+ Hearts.
1C-1H, 1N-2S = Invitational with exactly 4-4 in the majors (quirky bid).
1C-1H, 1N-2N = Forces 3C which will probably be passed.
1C-1H, 1N-3x = Natural, game forcing and slammish.
1C-1S, 1N
1C-1S, 1N = Balanced. Won’t have 4 spades, but may have 4 hearts.
1C-1S, 1N-2C = Forces 2D.
,2D-P = To play, obviously.
,2D-2H = Invitational with 5 Spades and 4+ Hearts.
,2D-2S = Invitational with 5+ Spades.
,2D-2N = Natural invite.
,2D-3C = Invite in Clubs. Usually longer than a 4-card club suit.
,2D-3D = Invite in Diamonds. Probably longer diamonds, but not always.
1C-1S, 1N-2D = Artificial Game Force, but likely not slammish. Opener rebids as
naturally as possible.
,2H = 4-card suit. Could also have 3 spades.
,2S = 3-card support. Denies 4 hearts.
,2N = Denies 4 hearts and denies 3 spades.
1C-1S, 1N-2H = Non-forcing. 5 Spades and 4+ Hearts.
1C-1S, 1N-2S = Non-forcing.
1C-1S, 1N-2N = Forces 3C which will probably be passed.
1C-1S, 1N-3x = Natural, game forcing and slammish.
1D-1H, 1S
1D-1H, 1S = Shows an unbalanced hand, usually a singleton, but perhaps 4=2=4=3 with points in the 4-card suits. Limited to 18 HCP (Opener would jump to 2S with 19-21).
1D-1H, 1S-1N = Natural and non-forcing.
1D-1H, 1S-2C = Forces 2D.
,2D-P = To play, obviously.
,2D-2H = Invitational with 5+ Hearts.
,2D-2S = Invitational with 4 spades or possibly 3 spades & ruffing value.
,2D-2N = Natural invite.
,2D-3C = Invite in Clubs. Probably longer clubs, but not always.
,2D-3D = Invite in Diamonds. Usually longer than a 4-card diamond suit.
1D-1H, 1S-2D = Artificial Game Force, but likely not slammish. Opener rebids as
naturally as possible.
1D-1H, 1S-2H = Non-forcing.
1D-1H, 1S-2S = Non-forcing. Usually 4 spades, but possibly 3 spades & ruffing value.
1D-1H, 1S-2N = Forces 3C which will probably be passed. If opener is 6-5 or longer,
opener should rebid 3D.
1D-1H, 1S-3x = Natural, game forcing and slammish.
1D-1H, 1N
1D-1H, 1N = Balanced. Won’t have 4 hearts, but may have 4 spades.
1D-1H, 1N-P = Possibly missing a 4-4 spade fit or a 5-3 heart fit.
1D-1H, 1N-2C = Forces 2D.
,2D-P = To play, obviously.
,2D-2H = Invitational with 5+ Hearts.
,2D-2S = Invitational with 5 Hearts and 4 Spades.
,2D-2N = Natural invite.
,2D-3C = Invite in Clubs. Usually longer than a 4-card club suit.
,2D-3D = Invite in Diamonds. Probably longer diamonds, but not always.
1D-1H, 1N-2D = Artificial Game Force, but likely not slammish. Opener rebids as
naturally as possible.
,2H = 3-card support without 4 spades.
,2S = 4-card suit. Could still have 3 hearts.
,2N = Denies 3 hearts and denies 4 spades.
1D-1H, 1N-2H = Non-forcing. 5+ Hearts.
1D-1H, 1N-2S = Invitational with exactly 4-4 in the majors (quirky bid).
1D-1H, 1N-2N = Forces 3C which will probably be passed. If opener is 6-5 or longer,
opener should rebid 3D.
1D-1H, 1N-3x = Natural, game forcing and slammish.
1D-1S, 1N
1D-1S, 1N = Balanced. Won’t have 4 spades, but may have 4 hearts.
1D-1S, 1N-2C = Forces 2D.
,2D-P = To play, obviously.
,2D-2H = Invitational with 5 Spades and 4+ Hearts.
,2D-2S = Invitational with 5+ Spades.
,2D-2N = Natural invite.
,2D-3C = Invite in Clubs. Probably longer clubs, but not always.
,2D-3D = Invite in Diamonds. Usually longer than a 4-card diamond suit.
1D-1S, 1N-2D = Artificial Game Force, but likely not slammish. Opener rebids as
naturally as possible.
,2H = 4-card suit. Could also have 3 spades.
,2S = 3-card support. Denies 4 hearts.
,2N = Denies 4 hearts and denies 3 spades.
1D-1S, 1N-2H = Non-forcing. 5 Spades and 4+ Hearts.
1D-1S, 1N-2S = Non-forcing.
1D-1S, 1N-2N = Forces 3C which will probably be passed. If opener is 6-5 or longer,
opener should rebid 3D.
1D-1S, 1N-3x = Natural, game forcing and slammish.
1H-1S, 1N
1H-1S, 1N = Balanced. Denies 4 spades.
1H-1S, 1N-2C = Forces 2D.
,2D-P = To play, obviously.
,2D-2H = Invitational with 5 Spades and 4+ Hearts..
,2D-2S = Invitational with 5+ Spades.
,2D-2N = Natural invite.
,2D-3C = Invite in Clubs. Probably longer clubs, but not always.
,2D-3D = Invite in Diamonds. Probably longer diamonds, but not always.
1H-1S, 1N-2D = Artificial Game Force, but likely not slammish. Opener rebids as
naturally as possible.
,2H = 6-card suit. Could also have 3 spades.
,2S = 3-card support. Denies 6 hearts.
,2N = Denies 6 hearts and denies 3 spades.
1H-1S, 1N-2H = Non-forcing.
1H-1S, 1N-2S = Non-forcing.
1H-1S, 1N-2N = Forces 3C which will probably be passed.
1H-1S, 1N-3x = Natural, game forcing and slammish.
To Be Added Later (Perhaps)
Weak No Trump
Rusinow Leads
Suction over their 2 Club Openers
Bailey Cue Bids instead of Michaels
Flannery Defense
Defense to Opponents Bids Over Our 1N